Monday, March 21, 2016


CAMP WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Camp was so much fun my group did high ropes, caving, flying fox, bridge jumping and so much more nothing that we do at school will ever beat this. if something does I would be so amazed. (though that would only happen if skydiving is involved). The most challenging was the high rope because the activities up there Is are hard but you also have to help other people up and down. the easiest was the flying fox because even when you pull people back up it isn't very hard with a lot of people.

I expected that camp wouldn't be as challenging but I think that since it was challenging it made it better because we had to focus and it just made it seem way more fun that if it was all really easy. my proudest moment in camp was when I finished the first high ropes course that we did because I found it really hard to do it and it was a lot scarier than I thought it would be.

I think the most fun moment was most defenably caving because just seeing the cave was amazing an some of the obstacles were so much fun and the naturally formed rocks and stone looked amazing it was just so much fun being down there in the caves. Another really fun thing was the bridge jumping at the end of the overnight camp. I could feel the adrenalin rushing through me while I was falling and when I hit the water it felt like I was in space, I felt that I didn't even need to breathe at all and when I hit the surface I didn't even feel cold at all.

some other things were the canoeing to the overnight and back that was so much fun we all had to work as a team to build momentum. while we were at the overnight henry found a piece of dried bamboo or something and the to was splint so he made this staff thing  and other people help and we all got stick weapons and charcoal on our cheeks as battle paint. Henry mad himself a moustache and we were called the bush maori. that was so much fun to do. Mahon at one point said that henry looked like Hitler because of the moustache.    

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