Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Speech stuff

I have the worst luck with speeches, last year my speech was about 2 seconds short and this year my speech is too long. And that is why I find speeches annoying. Anyway I always have fun writing them but then I hate trying to make it the right length. This year I am not very prepared. But I will (probably, maybe, not at all,) be ready. Also my cue card are not done but I can make them very easily. I am going to focus on things like doing gestures and trying not to look at cue cards.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Book week.

Image result for skulduggery pleasant costumeLast week was the last year of took week for me and the rest of the year eights. This year I went as skulduggery pleasant from skulduggery pleasant. Also with this book title you would think that the main character is skulduggery pleasant,(small spoiler alert) but the main character is Valkyrie Cain. Anyway I found book week very fun. Fifi colson came in to talk to the school about her career and how she gets her work done. The book quiz went well except for the fact that scott shouted out the answer once for the audience round.    

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Books and stuffz

Books are better than the movies. DONT DENY IT! For example the divergent series. The books are really good but then the movies are just so bad.
Anyway my favourite books are the skulduggery pleasant books. I really enjoyed reading them especially the last 3 in the series. My favourite picture book as a kid was Olive The Other Reindeer.
The best book that I have read this year is probably The Secret fire. This book is about two people living far away from each other but one person is the only person that can save the other person. It is a really good book and I would recommend to people who like mystery/suspense

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Production is over :( :(:(

To be honest even though the production took up so much time at school I wish we were still doing it. I found it really fun to do all of the rehearsals. Anyway I think that the funniest moment in the production was when Dhyanesh who was playing King Richard Enters and goes in a funny voice No... I am the king!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Production dance practice

I have missed SO MANY PRACTICES!!!!!!!!!!!
The reasons that I have missed so many is because for week 4 I was away in Port Douglas, Australia for the entire week having a lot of fun. Anyway, the other reason is that last week I had the St Patricks scholarship exam which was EXTREMELY HARD.
But I have done 2 lessons and I can remember most of the move but I need to try to remember when the actions take place.
The first dance that we learned is "Robin Hood". This is the song that the year 7s will be doing. This song has got harder actions then the other song but it is much slower paced. The other song is called "No Money". This song is the one that the year 8s are doing. The song has actions that are a bit easier but the song is much faster paced.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Last Saturday the Olympics officially started. I completely forgot about it though so I didn't watch it. I did search for highlights on YouTube, buuuuuuuuutttttt, there was NOTHING, so I haven't watched it.
During the week I watched little parts of some events, some of them were Woman's Football which was New Zealand against Colombia. I didn't watch all of it but I saw the end. New Zealand won it 1-0. unfortunately I didn't see the goal. I noticed that most of the passes were strait to the receiver rather than a through ball/passing in front of the person.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Image result for hatchetFor my book group I am reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. So far I am enjoying it and it has started with action which I think is a good thing for any book because it draws readers in and makes them want to finish the book.
It starts in a plane and the pilot has a heart attack leaving Brian on the plane with no radio or communication. I think that our group is going well so far and everybody is contributing their ideas.