Monday, November 2, 2015

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Last Thursday we did AFL which stands for Australian Football League. it was fun and at the start we did a tag that everybody is in and when you get tagged you have to crouch down until the person that tagged you gets tagged. if two people tag each other at the same time then they have to do paper scissors rock and the loser has to crouch down.

we learnt how to kick the ball and how to hold it before kicking. you had to have the lace part facing away from you and the seems pointing up. also when you kick it you should point your toes where you want the ball to go. I also learnt some of the rules of AFL one of them is that you can only run with the ball for a short distance then you have to either kick it of bounce it off the ground. another is that the court is an oval shape and the ball has to stay inside of it. the last one is that they have posts that have different to rugby ones where there are four instead two and the middle gap is worth 6 points if you kick it in and the outer gaps are worth one point.