Monday, October 26, 2015

{/~~)(Skulduggery Pleasant)(~~\} (if you have not read the first sentance of the first book then SPOILER ALERT)

Skulduggery Pleasant is my absolute favourite book series EVER!! it is just so cool I really like the story in each of the books especially the last one because it has a satisfying ending to the plot. skulduggery pleasant is by Derek Landy and is about a girl called Stephanie who had a uncle that knew about the magical world that wrote books about it. Unfortunately he dies and leaves Stephanie with his house which holds a Pleasant surprise...

I would write about everything that happens in all the books but that includes about 27 big spoilers and things that would ruin the whole 9 books.    


  1. I know right!!! the Skulduggery Pleasant series are so good!

  2. Yeah it's good, I told him about it.
