Sunday, August 23, 2015




Sportsfest on Wednesday and I'm doing Football with other year 7 and 8s. I'm looking forward to it because I can play a tournament in football with people I haven't played with/against before.
Also I think I can do well in passing the ball up to people it the middle and maybe get a couple goals.


 Sportsfest was so much fun!!!!!
Sportsfest was on Wednesday and it was cool I was in football but sadly I was a defender for most of the game and was only striker for about a game and a half but while I was in mid I got two goals in one game, one was myself and Thomas passing  it passed all of  the then me finishing. another one was Thomas doing an amazing cross to me then me finishing it. I also did some good passing/clearing while in defence, I think I personally did quite good in the games and as a team we came 3rd an won 4 of our games but we lost 3 of them and tied 1 of them so that was good for us.
but overall I think that the games should be 30 minutes with half time rather than 15 minutes for the game with no half time. also i think that there should be outs and 9 or 11 on the field at a time.